How to Get People to Like You in 5 Seconds or Less

DRESS NICE. If you stand straight and dress nice and smile, people will at notice you… don’t forget the smile 😊

LISTEN. Every time someone says anything, it’s just the clothing that covers a gold secret. Dig… and listen until you find that secret because that’s the gold

SHUT DOWN YOUR BRAIN. Your brain doesn’t want to talk to strangers. It wants comfort. It wants you to be safe. Your brain will scream and shout and freeze you and cause you actual physical pain if you want to talk to someone new… instead bypass that…focus on the curiosity

ASK A QUESTION. People are constipated with facts.
They are relieved to get rid of those facts. Ask them. “Why are you crying?” or “Why do you feel that way about it? “Get specific. Nobody wants: “How is the weather?”

EVERYONE HAS IT HARD. Respect everyone’s battles. Respect that everyone has it hard, or harder, than you do.`

RELATE. Ask about what’s import to them especially at this very moment…

INTERRUPT! You won’t get a chance to ask it later so interrupt and ask! Ask when your curiosity pushes you.

MAKE PEOPLE LAUGH. Most things are usually not that serious and we all know that… so go ahead find the funny side, lighten it up, be considerate when you do, but share it

BE YOURSELF. Easy to say but so hard to do. How do I be myself? I don’t know. I am not so self-aware. Try this… assume your the dumbest person in the room. Somehow that makes it easier to be yourself

.… extract a summary of a James Altucher article